10 Feb 2016

USA president - NOT amateur radio


The people of the USA continue to trouble me.

If it was just the USA that mattered, then I could not care less, but the leader of the USA has his hands on the nuclear trigger and will be key to so much in the world. Is a rich billionaire really who many in the USA want as their leader?

I have no wish to get embroiled in a debate over the US presidential elections, but if a large number of Americans think their best interests are served by a rich billionaire then this says a lot about American society as a whole.

I am not advocating any candidate or any party, but this vote matters for the whole fragile planet we share. All I ask is that every single person in the USA thinks very carefully.


Hugh said...

I think you have answered your own question.. if you look at past presidents, they include several oil tycoons, peanut farmers and cowboy actors. QED.

Hugh said...

In their favour: America is not saddled with un-elected often witless life peers or such a stratified class system. Buller Buller Buller!